
AOIArea of Interest
BBOXBounding Box defined by two longitude and two latitude coordinates. Used for monitoring areas of interest (AOI) like river section, selected farmland, erosion, irrigated land. In case of mathemetical monitoring, the size of the bbox is related to outcome of monitor calculations.
ESAEuropean Space Agency
False ColorCompilation of Sentinel-2 Bands 8, 4 and 3 coloring vegetation as red and water as black to blue. The resolution is 10m.
NBRStandardized Burning Index for detection of burnt areas, but used by Maji Yetu for detection of irrigation. The resolution is 20m per pixel.
NDWINormalized Difference Water Index. (B03-B08)/(B03+B08) or (Green-Near Infrared)/(Green+Near Infrared). For water detection and eliminating soil and vegetation.
SCLScene Classification Layer included in Sentinel-2 Level-2A (L2A) imagery with 20m resolution to distinguish between cloudy pixels, clear pixels and water pixels. It is used in the definition of the NDWI threshold values for predicting zero flow
VDASVirtual Drainage Assessment Section of the Ruaha River
Zero Flow Days counted for Ruaha RiverValid for the VDAS of the Ruaha River at the Msembe Bridge close to the Ruaha National Park Headquarter.