Flow at Ruaha Park HQ

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The annually remotely sensed Zero Flow events are archived (see footer).

Flow Direction Ruaha from South to East

Virtual Flow StationsElaboration
Mtera Virtual Drainage StationEarly warning for zero flow prevention. Alerts 1 and 2.
Msembe Bridge (Park HQ) as reference virtual flow station for prevention Zero Flow (2022)Monitored drying of pools (2022) indicates severity, zero flow period
N’giriama Overflow Ihefu Swamp Remotely MonitoredLast warning (2022) Zero Flow at Park HQ (Msembe Bridge)
Low Flow Drainage from Usangu Rice at Nyaluhanga
Alert 3 with drop drainage under ~ 8 cumecs
Usangu Rice Drainage flow measurements, essential in the prediction of zero flow at Park HQ are not yet reliable
Usangu Rice Plain (Ruaha SpillMbarali Spill – Madibira Spill NBRNIR)Main area diversion and spill low flow period when zero flow occurs
Main Mbarali River Diversion at the New NAFCO headworksMonitor Low Flow (~<2cumecs) which is all diverted into the Mbarali Main Canal and impact of diversion on downstream drainage (2023)
Two Subcatchments
Ruaha (left) ~ 50 years stable low flow (2 cumecs)
Mbarali from > 4 cumecs declined to < 1 cumecs